アートスクエア|アート2025.03.23(日) - 04.03(木)【展示】冨士原良個展『essence』@銀座 蔦屋書店 -
Art2025.03.22(土) - 04.11(金)【展示】宮岡貴泉[ネオ・ヴィンテージ] -
Japanese Culture2025.03.12(水) - 04.13(日)【フェア】GOSHOIN 5th anniversary 御書印フェア 人と書店を結ぶ印 書店で「御書印」をもらおう
GINZA ATRIUM2025.03.20(木) - 03.25(火)歩くが五感をひらく 『ASICS WALKING RUNWALK GALLERY』
Art | Art Wall2025.03.22(土) - 04.11(金)【展覧会】Yohta Matsuoka 個展「Perception in Flux」
Lifestyle2025.03.24(月) - 04.20(日)【フェア】TRESSE POP UP STORE at 銀座 蔦屋書店
スターバックス前|アート2025.04.12(土) - 05.02(金)【展示】WOWs 「MELTING HOPE」
Travel2025.03.31(月) - 05.11(日)【フェア】湯けむりと珈琲の余白 — 図解で旅する心地よい空間
【ARTIST NEWS】イラストレーター黒山キャシー・ラムによる原画作品展を開催。新作原画を中心に、銀座 蔦屋書店限定プリント作品やオリジナルグッズを展開。
【ARTIST NEWS】モトーラ世理奈×松岡一哲写真集『せりなが』刊行記念トークショー&サイン会を1月26日に開催。国内正式発売日となる1月10日より写真集刊行記念フェアも実施。
[ARTIST NEWS] A signing event will be held on November 22nd to celebrate the reprint of the collection of works by artist Akira Yamaguchi, "CHRONIQUES D'UN JAPON MERVEILLEUX/A Certain Japanese Exposition," which was published overseas and immediately sold out.
[NEWS] SHARE LOUNGE opens at GINZA TSUTAYA BOOKS on Tuesday, September 24th!
[ARTIST NEWS] Animator Mai Yoneyama and contemporary artist Kenji Yanobe's collaborative work "SUN SEEKER" will be unveiled for the first time at the event "ART SESSION," which begins on Friday, August 30th.
Illustrator Posuka Demizu's solo exhibition will be held from August 20th "Posuka Demizu Special Exhibition Oceanic Tranquility Art Exhibition"
A conversation between Kenji Yanobe and Mai Yoneyama: "A dream collaboration and new challenges between two artists who cross the borders of art and animation, analog and digital"
[Special Discussion | Shuko Tsuchiya x Yoshidayama] The challenge of artists who are actually redrawing the contours of Japan based on traditional arts
2025.02.04(火)【お知らせ】2025年2月25日(火) GINZA SIX全館休業日に伴う銀座 蔦屋書店の休業について
2024.12.09(月)【お知らせ】年末年始の営業について 2024年~2025年
2024.08.01(木)[Notice] GINZA TSUTAYA BOOKS will be closed on (Mon) 2024 due to the closure of the entire GINZA SIX building.
2024.05.23(木)[Notice] End of TSUTAYA Online Shopping Store Pickup
2024.03.23(土)[Starting Monday, (Mon) 1, 2024] Notice regarding the introduction of a fee for gift wrapping
2024.03.21(木)[Starting April 1st (Monday)] Notice of price revision for sales bags
2024.02.08(木)[Notice] GINZA TSUTAYA BOOKS will be closed on (Mon) 2024 due to the closure of the entire GINZA SIX building.
2024.01.23(火)[Notice] Temporary suspension of online store shipping operations