[Event & Online Streaming (Zoom)] "Most Things in Life Will Work Out: 78 Words to Put You in a Good Mood"
TSUTAYA BOOKS Building 3, 2nd floor SHARE LOUNGE / ZOOM broadcast 2023年 09月03日(日)
He is also well known for his TV appearances on NHK's "Asaichi" and other shows.
A collection of quotes from obstetrician-gynecologist Miho Takao that will clear your mind when you read them
Dr. Miho Takao, known for her trademark mohawk hairstyle, tropical shirts, shorts, and short white coat, is a reliable obstetrician-gynecologist who is currently attracting attention on TV, in magazines, and elsewhere.
Having spent many years dealing with the minds and bodies of patients through outpatient consultations, she understands the anxieties and worries of women. Not only does she deal with physical health as a doctor, but her gentle and kind way of speaking calms the mind, and her friendly personality attracts many people. Dr. Takao's life work, the audio program "Real Voice from Miho Takao," is also very popular, with over 10 million views, with many people saying that listening to Dr. Takao's words at the end of the day calms the mind!
The new book "Most Things in Life Work Out" is a collection of quotes from Dr. Takao that were born from his experience dealing with various issues, focusing on the most popular ones. It is a book packed with hints on how each person can live their life better.
The book features 78 sayings, including "Dress your heart in armor," "Live each day as the main character," "Kindness comes before correctness," "When in doubt, decide based on whether it excites you," "All lives are connected," and "Humor is important in life."
In addition to talking about the book, Professor Takao will talk about his ideas on how to choose words that will help you communicate effectively, as well as ways to improve your mood with just a few simple changes in mindset.
[Bibliographic information]
"Most things in life will work out somehow: 78 words to put you in a good mood"
●Author: Miho Takao
●List price: 1,650 yen (1,500 yen + tax)
● Format: 46-size / 160 pages / Release date: July 28, 2023
Customers who purchase a ticket with a book will be able to participate in the autograph session after the talk.
In addition, all those who purchase an event ticket will receive a notification about the limited-time archive distribution.
This event will be held both offline (at DAIKANYAMA TSUTAYA BOOKS) and online.
When registering, please choose to participate either in person or online.
[Conditions for participation]
Customers who purchase any of the eligible products through the event ticket reservation and sales service "Event Manager" can participate.
[Applicable products]
■ Visitor participation: 60 people
·event [Visiting the store] Ticket (1,500 yen/tax included) - 30 people
・Event [Visit to the store (with signed book)] ticket (2,850 yen/tax included) ・30 people
*If you apply for the book, it will be handed over to you at the venue on the day of the event.
*For those who apply for the book, the author will write the recipient's name on the day of the event.
■ Online viewing participation: 500 people
·event [Online Participation] Ticket (1,200 yen/tax included)
·event [Online participation (signed book included)] Ticket (2,850 yen/tax included)
■ Online viewing participation: 500 people
·event [Online Participation] Ticket (1,200 yen/tax included)
·event [Online participation (signed book included)] Ticket (2,850 yen/tax included)
*There will be no name inscription, only the author's signature.
*Books will be shipped within 7 days after the event ends.
(Transition to Event Manager)
Deadline: Friday, (Fri) 2, 2023, 18:00
Deadline: Friday, (Fri) 2, 2023, 18:00
【オンラインイベント アーカイブ配信のお知らせ】
医学博士・産婦人科専門医。日本スポーツ協会公認スポーツドクター。イーク表参道副院長。ヨガ指導者。婦人科の診療を通して、女性の健康を支え、女性のライフステージに応じた治療法を提示し、選択をサポートしている。テレビや雑誌などメディアへの出演、SNSでの発信のほか、音声配信アプリstand.fmで『高尾美穂からのリアルボイス』を毎日配信。体の悩みから人間関係や生き方・働き方にまつわる人生相談まで、リスナーからのさまざまな悩みに回答し、再生回数1000万回を超える人気番組に。著書に『オトナ女子をラクにする 心とからだの本』(扶桑社)、『更年期に効く美女ヂカラ』(リベラル社)など。
- Dates 2023年9月3日(日)
- Capacity 60 people at venue/500 people online
- time 10:30-11:30 (Entry/connection possible 15 minutes before) *For those attending in person, there will be a signing session from 11:30-12:30.
- place TSUTAYA BOOKS Building 3, 2nd floor SHARE LOUNGE / ZOOM broadcast
- Co-hosted/Cooperated by Fusosha Co., Ltd.
- Contact Us daikanyama.tsutayabooks.onlineevent@ccc.co.jp